Dear friends!

If you want to become the owner of a Russian knife which is not presented in our store, you can contact us for help in finding the knife you are interested in or for help in buying such a knife from a Russian private collection. We help to check the authenticity of the knife and item's condition. If such a knife is in Russia, we can help you to buy this knife and send it to your country. If you are not sure about the seller or you are dealing with him for the first time, we can act as intermediaries when making a purchase. We will check the knife, take the necessary photos and videos, ensure the reliable transfer of money and send the knife to you. You can clarify the cost of services for the purchase of a knife through our feedback form. As always in our shop the search for needed knives is free since year 2011. We find the knife you need and advise you it's the cost and details.


Rusblade Team

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Please specify the name of the product you are interested in.